
Tuesday, May 25

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

I am thankful for my Dad.
He loves me, leads me, listens to me, protects me, ... and most importantly, he loves the Lord Jesus.
He has my heart!
A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.
Proverbs 24:5
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I am changing up a few things on my blog, so bear with me.
I have added a playlist, changed my background, and added a few buttons.

Thursday, May 20

It has been a long time!

It has been a long time since I last posted. We were really busy in the month of April.
We went on a family vacation to Mammoth Cave National Park and the Creation Museum in Kentucky. When we got home from that, we had a Bible conference to go to the very next day!
The next week, we had my Aunt and cousins come over for a homeschool convention. Then the day after they left, we went to Oklahoma City to another homeschool convention that we had a booth at. So, we have been really busy.

Our trip of 2010

Here are pictures of our trip. :)

I took about 600 to 700 pictures! These are just a few.

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