
Thursday, November 26

A Thanksgiving Surprise

This morning we woke up to Luke trying to find a Pilgrims suit to wear today for Thanksgiving. He knew that he had the hat and plume (the black feather in the hat), but he needed more. He found his old dress coat and wanted to cut the sleeves off to make a vest. Thankfully the coat was too small so my Mom and Dad let him cut the sleeves. He found a shirt and a pair of pants that he thought would look okay and he had the perfect shoes and belt. The socks are a little too small I think. :)

But anyway, Happy Thanksgiving.

More pictures to come!!!

Sunday, November 15

New Memory Verse

For the wages of sin
is death;
but the gift of God
is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6:23
I will post pictures next week. :)

Sunday, November 8

My Sewing Machine!

I inherited a sewing machine from my Great Aunt.
It can fold up and become a desk or unfold to become a sewing machine/work space!
I have enjoyed using this machine because it has a knee control, which makes it easier to use. More than anything it is fun to use.
It has drawers all along one side of the desk. These drawers are full of bobbins, thread, seam binding, and it even has scissors and a scissor sharpener!
It came completely stocked.
In the drawer that has the thread there were wooden spools.
One of these wooden spools is full of silk thread!
I have many projects in the works and will post of them later.

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Picture time!

These are some pictures of my two younger brothers,
Zeke and
I am very thankful for my brothers and my parents.
God has blessed me with such a beautiful, loving, and caring family.


We did Seedling on Friday and we had the bible study and then we did the craft.
This time the Craft was making Candy Apples! We all had a bunch of fun doing that.
Here are some pictures.
You can be a long distant member by checking for the new Bible verse every week.
I will try to post the verse will be working on and you can learn it and then tell it to your parents.
This weeks' verse is
Even a child is known by his doings,
whether his work be pure,
and whether it be right.
Proverbs 20:11
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